Riding the South

The blog of Scott and Jenny Morris

Just one more

slice of summer

By Scott Morris

Summer in the South is a billy goat, butting spring out of the way before it’s fully sprung and refusing to let autumn have its turn until late October.

But summer break from school, now that’s another matter. Like watermelon season, it’s gone in a flash.

After raising six kids and now working at colleges, Jenny and I are accustomed to the rhythm of the school year.

Fall and spring are fast-paced endurance tests, while summer allows a more relaxed cadence with fewer students in class or in the office.

Classes start this week at both our colleges. We’d better slice that watermelon from the Watts’ patch and enjoy one more bite of summer before students flood our halls and streets. We’ll wrestle one more bite from the goat of summer and then wait for cool weather.

Yes, we know Rainbow is actually a nanny goat.